About Riot Rye
Joe Fitzmaurice & Julie Lockett are Riot Rye
Joe pioneered the introduction to Dublin of modern sourdough breads. He was raised through whole-food macrobiotics and his parents, Pauline and Joe, founded ‘The Golden Dawn’, a macrobiotic whole-foods centre in Dublin in the 1970s.
His sister Lorraine set-up Blazing Salads II, a whole-food/vegetarian restaurant in 1986 and then in 2000, with his other sister Pamela, opened Blazing Salads Food Company, a renowned whole-food/vegetarian delicatessen.
Joe joined them straight away and began baking 100% rye, spelt and wheat sourdoughs for the deli. In 2004, the three of them opened Dublin’s first fully certified organic commercial bakery, the award-winning Blazing Salads Bread Company.
That same year, Julie visited Findhorn Foundation Community in Scotland. After her experience there, Julie and Joe decided to join Cloughjordan Eco-village and build a wood-fired bakery: Cloughjordan Wood-fired Bakery. In 2014, they decided to set a new course with their business in response to the continuing demise of true artisan and craft bakeries in Ireland and set up Riot Rye.
Joe is a founding member of Real Bread Ireland www.realbreadireland.org.

Riot Rye Manifesto
“Riot Rye Bakehouse & Bread School is committed to creating and actively fostering a culture of bread without the use of industrial additives or chemicals.
We believe that food producers have a responsibility to those consuming their products and the wider community, with regard to their nutrition and well-being.
We exclusively use flours free of artificial chemicals and pesticides, natural and wild ingredients in our breads.
We employ sustainable production methods with our highly energy efficient wood-fired oven, fuelled by locally sourced timber.
We believe in the right of access for all through education to nutritional, life-affirming foods”.
Julie Lockett & Joe Fitzmaurice